Aspose.words for net, The converted PDF does not maintain the same Image position as in HTML

We are converting HTML to PDF file using Aspose.words. In PDF document we see wrong positioned images. I have attached Source HTML file and Output PDF file for your reference.
This is happening in our production site where the customers are waiting for the fix.
Please provide us if there’s any workaround.

Following is the code snippet we used for conversion-

Document wordDoc = new Document(docStream);
DetectDocTypeAndSetPageSize(info, wordDoc);
    _logger.LogInformation("DocumentConversion.ConvertStreamDocToPDFStreamAcceptDefaults - Remove Left Brackets");
    FindReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new FindReplaceOptions();
    replaceOptions.MatchCase = false;
    replaceOptions.FindWholeWordsOnly = false;
    wordDoc.Range.Replace("[", "", replaceOptions);
    _logger.LogInformation("DocumentConversion.ConvertStreamDocToPDFStreamAcceptDefaults - Remove Right Brackets");
    wordDoc.Range.Replace("]", "", replaceOptions);
    _logger.LogInformation("DocumentConversion.ConvertStreamDocToPDFStreamAcceptDefaults - Before :  wordDoc.Save(convertedObjstream, saveOptions);");
    wordDoc.Save(convertedObjstream, pdfsaveOptions);
    convertedObjstream.Position = 0;
    _outPutStream = new byte[convertedObjstream.Length];
    _logger.LogInformation("DocumentConversion.ConvertStreamDocToPDFStreamAcceptDefaults - Before :  convertedObjstream.Read(_outPutStreamBytes, 0, (int)convertedObjstream.Length);");
    convertedObjstream.Read(_outPutStream, 0, (int)convertedObjstream.Length);
    if (convertedObjstream.Length > 0)
        success = true;
catch (Exception e)
    // trap the exeception
    string errorMsg = "DocumentConversion - C#  ConvertStreamDocToPDFStreamAcceptDefaults: Exception :\n\n" + e.Message + "\n\nStack Trace:\n" + e.StackTrace;
} (144.8 KB)

Just to mention We are using Latest version for Aspose.words (

@rsamveda.ramsoft you are getting the expected output. Word documents and HTML documents object models are quite different. When you load a file using Aspose.Words, the API tries to adjust the document structure to match the MS Word structure and that can cause undesired output. If you load your source file with MS Word (you must include <html> and <body> tags), you will get the same result that you are getting using the Aspose.Words API.

If you want to process an HTML document, I recommend using the Aspose.Html API. By using that API, the output will look the same as the HTML representation.