Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Released

This release introduces a new and exciting feature. As you might know, Microsoft Report Viewer working in local mode only offers few export formats which are built-in, and there are no DOC, DOCX, RTF, or any other Microsoft Word document formats amongst them. Have you ever wished you could change this?

Just download the latest Aspose.Words for Reporting Services, and you will notice a couple of new assemblies included into the package. Add a reference to one of them (depending on what version of Report Viewer you work with - 2005 or 2008) and implement a simple method as described in the documentation - and you will see Microsoft Word export formats appear on the control's dropdown list!

We have also added the new Web Archive (MHTML) export format and fixed a number of issues reported by the users since the previous release. There are still lots of todos we plan to implement, but we do love what we have achieved so far and really hope you will love it too.