Aspose.Words for SSRS - Repeat Group Header Row on Each Page


My RDL report contains table which may spread over a few pages, and I would like to repeat group header row at the start of each page.
I have tried to add EachPage configuration to Aspose.Word, but in result document, page breaks where misplaced.

Is it possible to force Aspose.Word to use Word’s flag “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” in order to repeat table row?

Thank you.


Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your output document, rdl report and file here for testing. We will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.

Thank you for your quick reply. But we have found out that this Word’s flag won’t anyway.


Thank you for additional information. The problem might occur because the table is nested into another table in the output document. In this case, RepeatOnEachPage option of table row does not work in MS Word.
You can try modifying your report so the table was the direct child of document’s body.
Best regards,