Aspose.Words .Net Hindi Language issue Arial Unicode MS

Hello. I think I already know the answer, but wanted to see if I could get confirmation. I am using an older version of Aspose Total and doing some document conversions from Word to PDF along with some other processing of the document. I think the latest supported version of my license was 19.8 and the document post conversion just shows up as boxes, so I believe this may have been the issue with Indic languages that was addressed with WORDSNET-13503 that was addressed in the Aspose Words 20.8 Release. I had a similar issue with some Cambodian documents, but was able to address by adding the Khymer TTF font to the server. I did add the Arial Unicode MS font to the server, but still not resolving, so thinking it is an issue resolving the fonts within that family that was addressed in 13503. Is it possible to upload both the base doc and the failed conversion to confirm that 20.8 or later addresses the issue. If this was indeed fixed with that, I guess our next step would be to purchase a new license to get the newer release which handles this. Thanks


Can you please provide the specific details of the document you are trying to convert and the exact error message or issue you are encountering with the Arial Unicode MS font?

Attached are both the base document and the conversion which shows that the font family is not being properly rendered.

E__iRISDocs_Converted_Consent_120272_dl556.pdf (1.2 MB)

Consent_120272.docx (57.1 KB)

@dlaskey I tested conversion of your document using the latest 25.3 version of Aspose.Words and the output document looks good:
out.pdf (159.4 KB)

Also, to properly render your document it is required to enable open type featrues:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");
doc.LayoutOptions.TextShaperFactory = Aspose.Words.Shaping.HarfBuzz.HarfBuzzTextShaperFactory.Instance;

out_HarfBuzz.pdf (195.9 KB)