Aspose.Words .NET support question

Has anyone installed latest Aspose.Words .NET on windows 2008 x64 bits, iis7 and classic asp app?



Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. First of all you should register Aspose.Words.dll using RegAsm utility. Here is command you should run to achieve this:
>regasm Aspose.Words.dll /tlb:Aspose.Words.tlb /codebase
However, even after registering, I suppose, you are still getting “800A01AD - ActiveX component can’t create object” error when running VBS on 64 bit OS. The problem occurs because by default, Windows 64-bit starts the 64-bit version of wscript.exe (the VBS interpreter). This results in the 800a01ad error. To resolve the problem you should run the VBS file with the 32-bit version of the Windows Scripting Host. For example the following command will successfully run VBS:
>c:\Windows\SysWOW64\wscript.exe test.vbs
Hope this helps.
Best regards,

Thanks your your reply but can you detail of how to use Aspose.Words in classic asp app with iis6 or 7?

Thanks again


Thanks for your inquiry. You should just configure IIS to work in 32bit mode. To configure 32-bit mode for the server, open a command prompt and run the following:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config -section:applicationPools -applicationPoolDefaults.enable32BitAppOnWin64:true
Hope this helps.