Good morning, we have an older Aspose license (18.1) and are considering re-purchasing new licenses that would take us to 24.5. While running some preliminary testing on an unlicensed package, I’m noticing about a 50% performance degradation, however.
My test is pretty simple, read a document template from a local folder, merge it against a pre-built data table of data, and save the resultant file as a PDF to another local folder. In order to get some real-world numbers, I’m doing this 1000 times. Then I’m doing 5 runs (of 1000) and taking the average number of seconds per run.
Using Aspose.Words 18.1, this takes 126 seconds on average. Using Aspose.Words 24.5, this takes 191 seconds on average. I’ve also tried several older versions. The times are listed below.
18.1 - 126 seconds
19.12 - 161 seconds
20.12 - 172 seconds
21.12 - 143 seconds
22.12 - 153 seconds
23.12 - 184 seconds
24.5 - 191 seconds
While we’d like to upgrade to take advantage of new features and fixes, I’m hesitant to recommend doing so if the performance is going to take this hard of a hit. Are these standard performance expectations, or is there something I should be doing to make the later versions run faster?
I have seen other threads on this forum about similar performance issues, but from what I can see they are mostly around the Java version of Aspose, and they seem to all resolve with a new fix being issued. Apparently that’s not the case for the .net version though.
Any help would be appreciated as we assess moving to a new version. Thank you.