

Do we require a separate license to use ‘Aspose.Words.Pdf2Word’ dll?. We already have a paid version of “Aspose.Words” (22.10)
We are receiving the below error whenever we try to convert a PDF document into a doc file. Can you please help? We are making sure the dll is referenced. it is not working even in local env.

“Pdf document reader plugin cannot be loaded. Make sure Aspose.Words.Pdf2Word.dll is referenced in your project and placed next to Aspose.Words.dll”


How did you install the DLL? If you install it via NuGet Package Manager it will download and install Psf2Word automatically. I created a simple console project and installed it via the Nuget Package Manager and this is the result:

Please let me know if you would like to know something else.

that works, thanks.

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