Aspose Words Version aspose-words-21.9.0-java

I am having a problem saving the the attached word file into PDF. When I perform the operation on one machine, the special unicode character is converted to Marathi Indic character. However, if I perform the same operation on another machine, the PDF is showing the correct character.

I am attaching a zip file containing the DOCx file used, the PDF that works, the PDF that does not work and the text containing the extracted text containing the Unicode. (2.7 MB)

@Louis.Coutinho The problem might occur because the fonts (in your case Wingdings3) used in your original document are not available in the environment where document conversion is performed. To build document layout Aspose.Words needs the fonts used in the document. If Aspose.Words cannot find the font used in the document, the font is substituted. This might lead into fonts mismatch and document layout differences. You can implement IWarningCallback to get notifications when font substitution is performed.

Thanks for your inputs, We will try it out.

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We installed the missing font and the file was rendered correctly. Thanks for your help.

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