Aspose.Words with WordML


The “kept together” issue has been fixed. We will send you an update here in about two days after fully tests.

Best regards.

Sorry #5011 cannot be done now.

Your document does not contain “fully calculated” table column widths and therefore you need to invoke our table width calculation algorithm. Our implementation sometimes gives results different to what MS Word would calculate. Unfortunately it is a thing we have to live with because mimicking MS Word’s algorithm exactly is not always possible. We will improve our algorithms, but later, I cannot promise when.

The document that you have is a rare case. Most of the documents already have correctly calculated widths. And among those that need widths recalculated - our algorithm calculates majority of them correctly.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 5484 and 4327) have been fixed in this update.

issue #5484 - Export rounded rectangle autoshape to PDF

issue #4327 - A table is changed after open/save WML file

Can you tell me specifically which tags to change in the WordXML version of my document and /or specifically which methods to call in you code? We’ve been analyzing the document and it appears that the settings on the two tables are identical.

This issue has been outstanding for quite some time. We will be happy to modify our document but I need to know specifically what changes need to be made.


Thanks for your inquiry. Do you mean the following documents?

If so you should not change anything in your document. This time the problem was because second table does not have table grid in WML. First row cells have preferred widths, but other rows do not have any widths. MS Word seems to use first row cell widths to set cell widths for further rows. Now Aspose.Words does the same - use first row cell widths if grid is not defined.

So I think that you should just remove UpdateTableLayout call from your code.

Best regards.

This is not the issue I am referring to. The issue discussed in this article has been resolved. See the attached document.

We have a Word XML document that doesn’t render the second table properly. As far as we can tell the two tables in this document are formatted the same, but render differently.

I’ve attached a copy of the WordML file. If I load it into Word it formats correctly, but if we pass it through the Aspose.Words object and convert it to PDF the second table is too narrow.


Thank you for the source materials.

I have tried some MS Word magic on this document. But I’m unable to work-around the problem. It would be better to re-create the table in this document or in the initial template from scratch. We are sorry for inconvenience.


If we save the document using Microsoft Word in Word native format then run it through your product it is able to produce the disired output. If it is saved in Word XML format and run through your product it produces improperly formated output. I would think that this would be significant clue.

Can you supply a simple word document in XML format that does work properly?

We are reaching a point that we need to make a decision on whether to continue with your product or to search out an alternative. Do you think we will be able to find a workable solution to this issue?


Thank you! That’s really a great clue. I have created a new issue #5770 in our defect database. We’ll provide you information on any progress with it. Most probably the cause is somewhere in the code reading WordML format so I cannot give you a WordML document that is imported properly.

At least you know a manual (non-programmatic) workaround for this problem. It is not a case for many documents but can be useful when converting a few of them.

Best regards,