Asposecad unable to read Block name of an insertobject part of another block

I am trying to get the block name of an insert object by:


This method returns the blcok name when the insobject is independent entity.
Whereas, if the insobject is part of a BLOCK element and when I try to fetch the block name for the insobject, it is returning null.
image.png (28.0 KB)

In the attached image, insert object of id “3904” having a block name “UNA”, but the method getOriginalBlockName returning null.

please, attach this sample file, we will check this case. (358.1 KB)

@oleksii.gorokhovatskyi Please find the attached file.

thanks for the file, we will check if it is mistake or not, could you please check if insObject.getName() is suitable for you instead of getOriginalBlockName().

insObject.getName() working for me.

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we are happy to help :slight_smile: