AsposeOcr.Recognize leads to Exception


we use AsposeOcr.Recognize with attached Image as InputFile and following code:

var asposeOcr = new AsposeOcr();
var ocrInput = new OcrInput(InputType.SingleImage, PreprocessingFilter.Empty) { InputFile };
var recognitionResults = asposeOcr.Recognize(ocrInput);

This leads to following Exception (This Image is also the input image):

Screeny.png (29,9 KB)

What can we do to fix this?

Kind Regards,


It looks like you are using GPU version of the API. It does not work with x86 architecture. Please make sure to use CPU or x64 mode. If error still persists, please share some more information (Maybe a sample project) with us so that we can investigate and address it accordingly.

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Thanks, it works.

But unfortunately no text can be recognized from the attached picture.

Screeny.png (29,9 KB)

Kind Regards,


string imgPath = @"D:\Screeny.png";
OcrInput ocrInput = new OcrInput(InputType.SingleImage);
List<RecognitionResult> result = api.Recognize(ocrInput, new RecognitionSettings
 DetectAreasMode = DetectAreasMode.PHOTO

Attached are the results with different modes that we obtained in our environment using the code: (1.6 KB)

Are you using the latest version of the API?

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Thanks, this works :slight_smile: