AsposeWords linux support

Hi Team, I’m using Aspose.Words package for my project to convert one document into pdf format. While I’m running the application from windows machine (My laptop) , it’s working fine. But when we deploy the application on a linux container, we are getting the below error:

Text shaper factory failed to return text shaper for ‘84b2d4cc-0000-0000-ccd4-b28400000000.ttf’, face index ‘0’ Aspose error saving to stream for document1.docx. Error Message: Text shaper factory failed to return text shaper for ‘84b2d4cc-0000-0000-ccd4-b28400000000.ttf’, face index ‘0’ =>$
Could not find file ‘/app/84b2d4cc-0000-0000-ccd4-b28400000000.ttf’. =>$

We are using the below version:

  1. Aspose.Words : 19.9.0
  2. Aspose.Words.Shaping.HarfBuzz : 19.9.0
  • It would be helpful if we can get the required information on supporting the linux environment or else if their are any other way around which we can consider to resolved the issue .

@arindamk Aspose.Words.Shaping.Harfbuzz uses P/Invoke technology for invoking unmanaged functions from HarfBuzz.

For Windows platforms no additional efforts are required for installing HarfBuzz because Aspose.Words.Shaping.Harfbuzz already includes compiled HarfBuzz library.

For other systems, Aspose.Words.Shaping.Harfbuzz relies on already installed HarfBuzz library. For instance, many Linux-based systems have HarfBuzz installed system-wide by default. If not, there is usually a package available for installing via package manager.

It looks like your Linux system does not have HarfBuzz and you need to additionaly install it.

Thanks @alexey.noskov for your response. Let me connect with the cloud infrastructure folks with that suggestion and let them check the feasibility to install that package on the Linux container. I’ll get back to you on this as soon as possible.

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Hi @alexey.noskov - Could you please provide me the proper package name for linux server which I can provide to the devops folks so that they can include the steps to install the proper package ?

@arindamk It depend on the Linux distribution you are using on your side. Could you please let us know what distribution is used?

Hi @alexey.noskov: As far as I know, it’s ubuntu… Thanks.

Hi @alexey.noskov: Please let me know if you need any more details… Thanks.

@arindamk You should install libharfbuzz-dev package. For example in Docker I use this command to install the required package:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libharfbuzz-dev