Assigning a value to a table cell

How do I assign a value to a table cell?
I have an applicaion that customises documents as per user needs. To achive this, we start with the document templates and go on adding the required data to it. In once such operation, I need to update the value of an existing column of a table. I don’t see any property or method in the Cell class that allows me to do this.
Your response is highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,

This message was posted using Page2Forum from CellFormat Property - Aspose.Words for .NET


Thanks for your request. You can try using DocumentBuilder as described here:
Also please see the following code:

Document doc = new Document("in.doc");
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.MoveToCell(0, 1, 2, 0);

Best regards,