Attached .ODS file causes Exception in Cells.GridDesktop

The attached .ODS file (zipped) fails to load in Cells.GridDesktop.
Iteration API (40.9 KB)

A System.ArgumentException is thrown by the constructor Cells.GridDesktop.GridDesktop(string, bool)
Could you see if you can reproduce the issue and advise?
We are using Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.dll version

Thank you
Jordan Walters


Since you are using an older version of Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop which might not support ODS file format or have an issue parsing the file format. Please upgrade to and try latest version of Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop v22.1. I have tested using latest version by importing the ODS file and it works fine.

I have downloaded the 22.1 zip for Aspose.Cells.NET and extracted Aspose.Cells.dll from the .net4.0 folder. Our project is targeting .Net Framwork 4.8

The project is using Managed C++/CLI and I am getting a compile error:

#using "System.dll"
#using "..\Redist\apps\Aspose.Cells.dll"
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Text::RegularExpressions;
Aspose::Cells::Workbook ^wbXLS;
Aspose::Cells::Worksheet ^worksheet = wbXLS->Worksheets[0]; <---- This won’t compile:

‘Aspose::Cells::Workbook::Worksheets::get’: function does not take 1 arguments

Incidentally - this would compile using Aspose.Cells.dll version

Do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong?



Could you please share a sample VS.NET project (runnable) using latest version of Aspose.Cells to reproduce the issue on our end, we will check it soon.

I can confirm that the latest version of Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop is able to load and display the previously attached .ODS file.

Unfortunately another of our projects in our product uses Managed C++/CLI and no longer compiles.
I have zipped and attached a sample project illustrating the point. (9.8 MB)

In the cpp file CommonAsposeConversion.cpp there are two #using statements, one commented out, the other uncommented.
If the #using "Resources\Aspose.Cells." is uncommented then the code compiles fine.
If the dll is commented out, and #using "..\Resources\Aspose.Cells." is uncommented, there is a compilation error on line:
Aspose::Cells::Worksheet^ worksheet = wbXLS->Worksheets[0]; <---- This won’t compile:
‘Aspose::Cells::Workbook::Worksheets::get’: function does not take 1 arguments

Do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong?


Thanks for the sample.

We have logged an investigation ticket with an id “CELLSNET-50391” for your issue. We will look into the details of the problem to figure it out soon. Once we have an update on it, we will let you know.

We will fix the issue in the next incoming release V22.3

Excellent, thank you.
Let me know when I can download and verify.


Our next official (upcoming) release Aspose Cells for .NET v22.3 is scheduled to be published in the second week of March, 2022. You will also be notified once the release is published.

Sorry, it is still not ready in this release. We will fix this issue in V22.4 .