Attachment of pdf are not extracted

All of the attachment of provided samples were not extracted.

For sample ‘TRACE000753.pdf’, only attachment ‘Press Quality.joboptions’ was extracted while for sample ‘TRACE000001.pdf’, no attachments were extracted. Also why there were not error thrown if it was not able to extract those attachments?

Sample: link

There is nothing on the attached link.
For a question with an attached file, it happens that it is attached using a FileAnnotation.

Could you please confirm if you cannot download the pdfs from the link.

I apologize for the delay.
Now the links are valid - I downloaded and opened the files.


For these documents, attached files are stored in FileAttachmentAnnotation-s. You can use the following code to verify this.

using (var pdf = new Document(myDir + "TRACE000753.pdf"))
    int num = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= pdf.Pages.Count; i++)
        foreach (Annotation annotation in pdf.Pages[i].Annotations)
            if (annotation is FileAttachmentAnnotation)
                FileSpecification file = (annotation as FileAttachmentAnnotation).File;
                if (file != null && file.Name != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {file.Name} on page {i}");

    Console.WriteLine($"Num: {num}");