When creating and sending an email with Attachments and Embedded images in the EmailBody, the attachments are ‘lost’ when email is viewed on mobile.
With ‘lost’ I mean that they are not visible on the phone.
If we access the mailbox with a Desktop mailclient, then the attachments can be viewed.
So the attachments are still there, but the mobile client does not render them.
This problem did not exist on version of the Aspose-toolkit
Document structure:
Email body <html>
Attachments<pdf 7 items>
Email body<Image, html>
Attachments<pdf 7 items>
Used software:
The attachments are PDF-files that were created using Aspose.Words (
The body of the email is created using Aspose.Words (
The email is composed and send using Aspose. Email (
I have observed the issue shared by you. However, I am unable to extract the shared file. I request you to please share the file again along with working sample code reproducing the issue and snapshot of viewed email in IPhone with missing information. I will be able to proceed further on my end on provision of requested information.
I have made an test application where you can see the information that we send.
The mailmessages have been cleaned from excessive attachments, this should not affect the result.
Two screenshots have been included in the program, one where the download buttons are available and one where they are not.
I have worked with the sample project shared by you and have sent both email messages using SMTP to my gmail account and opened the email in IPhone X. There has been no issue in attachments on my end. Please observe the following snapshots of opened email on my end.
As stated, problem exists on IPhone6, IPhoneXR when using the default mailapplication from apple. Looking at your screenshots you do not seem to be using this application.
We’ve received a few hundred support calls from our clients in production and we were forced to roll back to the version.
Then the supportcalls stopped.
I kindly request you you try the test on a few other phones and clients (Do not use G-mail, that one works) , and get back to me with the results.
Thank you for further clarification. I have tested using Aspose.Email for .NET 19.6 on my end and opened the email in default IPhone Mail App. I have been able to observe attachments for one of email but not for other. Can you please confirm this so that I may add issue accordingly.
This is exactly the observed (and unwanted) behavior at our end too.
I eagerly await any information on how to process further.
(PS, I hope you’ve made a copy of the input files,
I was forced to remove them by request of our security officer.)
Thank you, Bas.
I have created an issue with ID EMAILNET-39525 in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as EMAILNET-39525) have been fixed in this update.
Delayed reaction, but this update did indeed fix our problems.
Thank you for sharing the feedback with us.