Attempted to read or write protected memory onlu runtime

I have a problem with two simple lines of code:

string sMailEmlFile = @"C:\Test\a.eml";

string sMailMsgFile = @"C:\Test\a.msg";

MapiMessage msg = MapiMessage.FromMailMessage(sMailEmlFile);


They works in develop environment, but when I click the exe file , the istruction


generate an error: "Attempted to read or write protected memory "

It appens on windows 7 and 2008 , 64 bit.

On a pc win 2003, 32 bit , it works fine!

I send the sample project



Thank you for inquiry.

The dlls built for 64-bit Operating Systems are included in c:…install folder…\bin\ file. Could you please try to unzip and add the reference from this zip file? I hope it would fix this issue.

Yes.It works.!!

Thank you!