Auto-detecting encoding while loading a CSV file

Hi Aspose team

We are using Aspose Cells to helps us converting CSV file to HTML format for cross-platform viewing.

We have to load CSV file and give TxtLoadOptions an Encoding by setEncoding().

Is there any options to load CSV files with Encoding auto-detecting, instead of setEncoding() ?

Hi Craig,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support.

I am afraid, the current set of the Aspose.Cells APIs do not provide any means to detect the encoding of a CSV file therefore you have to explicitly specify the encoding at the time of loading the CSV in Aspose.Cells object model.

Dear Team,

Is this supported added in the latest version of Aspose cells Java?


Well, I am afraid, it might not be possible to auto detect the encoding type of a text format like CSV therefore you have to explicitly set the encoding using the TxtLoadOptions class.