Azure Active Directory Impersonation Token for Printing PDF on Printer in Domain

Hi There,
I have windows service running on a machine which is configured to use Azure Active Directory.
AD configured domain also has printers in the network.
Printers access is configured specific to users.
Now, the windows service needs to connect act as a mediator for silent authentication and print.
So, If I use impersonator mentioned at here it uses username and password.

Using Graph API from azure one can get a token to forward further and not password like details - for user to be impersonated.

Now, the impersonator given on above link works with user name and password.
Can azure AD related impersonation be done using authentication token while using aspose pdf print api?


We need to investigate the feasibility of you requirement and for the purpose, we have logged an investigation ticket as PDFNET-48663 in our issue tracking system. We will anlayse it to determine whether it is possible or not and keep you informed about the status of ticket resolution. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.