Background Color of the Docx

I am a trial user which is interested in Aspose.Word. I am facing a problem when getting the background color for a page in docx file. Can you help me?

Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. Could you please provide me more information about your problem? Please attach your document and code that will allow reproducing the problem.
Note that Aspose.Words does not allow setting background color of a document. But if your document has page background color it will be preserved.
Best regards.

>>But if your document has page background color it will be preserved.
Yes. Exactly. This what I want to get. When I extract my docx file in the document.xml file there is a node like below under the document tag.
<w:background w:color=“EEECE1” w:themeColor=“background2” />
I believe this is the background color.
How do I get this value?

Thanks for your request. Unfortunately there is no way to get/set Background color of the document. This is known issue #3911 in our defect database.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 3911) have been fixed in this update.

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The latest version of Aspose.Words allows getting/setting page color of the document using the appropriate property. Please follow the link to learn more:
Also, it allows getting/setting the background shape of the document: