Background Image Is Scaled Down after Exporting to HTML with Notes in C#


we noticed an issue that background images from the layout master are scaled down, if you export a presentation to HTML.
This only happens when setting NotesPosition (we use BottumFull. I have not tested the truncated option, but if set to None it looks okay).

image.png (9.1 KB)

Sample code:

var lic = new License();

var pres = new Presentation(@"S:\tmp\IMS-23530 - Kopie.pptx");

var options = new HtmlOptions()
    NotesCommentsLayouting = {NotesPosition = NotesPositions.BottomFull}

pres.Save(@"S:\tmp\out.html", SaveFormat.Html, options);

Sample files: (56.4 KB)

Target Framework: .Net 4.5.2

System information

Edition Windows 10 Business
Version 21H2
Installiert am ‎21.‎07.‎2021
Betriebssystembuild 19044.2251
Leistung Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0

Thanks for your help


I am not sure if it´s the same issue but this also happens with images inside the slides, not only the layout master.
Please see the attached presentation and generated output. (174.1 KB)
Same code and system environment as in original post.

image.png (48.6 KB)
image.png (54.7 KB)

Thank you for contacting support. I need some time to check the problem you encountered, I will reply to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience. I’ve reproduced the problem with the background of the slide layout and images and added the following tickets to our issue-tracking system:

SLIDESNET-43629 (Background image is scaled down after exporting to HTML with notes)
SLIDESNET-43630 (Images are scaled down after exporting slides to HTML with notes)

We apologize for any inconvenience. Our development team will investigate the cases. You will be notified when a new release of Aspose.Slides with fixes is published.