Bad Word File


I’m trying to convert word files into HTML with your Aspose.Word tool. I keep running into simple files that just blow up the tool. I’ve enclosed one. I do this with it (it’s saved to disk):

Aspose.Word.Document wordDoc = new Aspose.Word.Document(fileName);
wordDoc.Save(outputFileName, Aspose.Word.SaveFormat.FormatHtml);

On the save call, I get an exception throw from inside the component.

“Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: text” } System.ArgumentNullException

Any idea what’s going on? I seem to be getting a lot of problems with this conversion.


Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Word.

Are you using the latest version of the component? I’ve attached an HTML file I got using the most recent version. No exceptions were thrown.

oops…I was way back at 2.5…upgrading now, sorry.