Bangla font

I was wondering what is the status of the ticket HTMLNET-2190.

Are you supporting bengali (bangla) font glyph substitution in pdf generation?

Thanks in Advance.


The earlier logged ticket i.e. HTMLNET-2190 is still pending for resolution. Please note that we are working on new rendering engine which will allow us to increase quality of fonts processing. As soon as the new rendering engine is developed, we will start implementing font processing improvements. As soon as the ticket is resolved, we will let you know. Please spare us some time.

Do you have any updates on this ?
Thanks in Advance.


We are working on new font processing engine, it will improve text rendering quality. Its release is planned in second quarter of this year. After its implementation, we will check if this issue is still reproduced. We will let you know as soon as the ticket is completely resolved. Please give us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.