Barcode from scanned pdf not getting recognized by the aspose recognition

Barcodes/ QR codes from scanned pdf not getting recognized by the aspose recognition.

Below are the 2 barcode files are with the normal barcodes, get processed and correctly recognized by the aspose reader.ReadBarCodes() method.

But when scanned, for one file, barcode not getting recognized correctly and for other barcode file, no barcode is getting recognized by the aspose reader.

Please check scanned barcode files attached below for which aspose unable to read barcode.


Could you please tell what will the issue with these scanned barcodes and how can we resolve that?

BarcodeA_19479_822496690.pdf (43.2 KB)
BarcodeN_19479_474248332.pdf (39.3 KB)

BarcodeA_19479_822496690_Scanned.pdf (37.9 KB)
BarcodeN_19479_822496690_Scanned.pdf (35.3 KB)


Please create a standalone console application (source code without compilation errors) that helps us to reproduce your problem on our end and attach it here for testing. We will investigate the issue and provide you more information on it. Thanks for your cooperation.