Barcode Requirements

I am integrating Aspose Barcodes with Aspose words mail merge so that we can embed barcodes within mail merged documents. This has been successful however I have a question regarding barcode formats and requirements.

I noticed that some barcodes have specific requirements. For example generating a barcode in the Australia Post Barcode format will throw an exception if the codetext length is less then 10. Is it possible to get a list of what the requirements are for each type of barcode? This would be useful so we can advise customers on how to ensure the barcode type they select is valid for the data which is being used as a barcode.

Thank you


Currently no such list is available. But a list indicating the prerequisites required to generate successful barcode image can be prepared. A request in this regard has been logged into our system with ID BARCODENET-36872. We will update you here once the list will be ready.

Thank you very much,

Do you have any ETA on when this will be available?


This task is the queue and pending. We are not in a position to share any reliable ETA for this task. We will update you here as soon as the list will be ready.


Please find attached the Barcode standards document.
BarCode (22.0 KB)

Thank you very much for the information.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-36872) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by muhammadahmad