BaselineDuration Incorrect

Looks like the BaselineDuration is way off!!

BaselineStart = "11/2/2009"
BaselineFinish = "9/29/2010"
BaselineDuration.TotalHours = 60.373

The calendar has the standard holidays and weekends as non working days. So the value should be much higher! I am seeing this with every item in the schedule.


Could you please provide us with the additional information as for each format XML or MPP you have the problem and for what version of MS Project (2003, 2007, 2010). Any test data is highly appreciated if possible. Also please note that duration can not be calculated from start and finish values directly as task (for example) can have some splits.

Sorry for inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Hi Sergey:

I have the same issue with the MPP files that I’ve been trying. Check the “MGR” file that I sent in another post and you will see. The values from Aspose for the baseline duration are hundred of times lower that the value in Project.

Best Regards,



Yes, now I can see the difference for some values at least for MS Project 2003 MPP format. We are going to check other formats as well.

A new issue ‘Incorrect Baseline duration data reading from MPP files.’ with ID = 18982 has been added to our issue tracking system and linked to this forum thread.

We are going to resolve the issue in our September’s official release. Thank you a lot for additional information and sorry for inconvenience.

Hi. Did you fix this issue in the recent 3.2 release?

Hi Daniel,

Unfortunatelly the issue is still under development. We are going to make the September’s release by end this month.

Sorry for inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 18982) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by aspose.notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.