Blocks in html

I use the code below to extract the document contents & return a html string. When I did that for the attached document there were 2 issues
1 - it returned the string with irregular characters at the end ("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0").
2 - it didn’t keep the numbering for the numbered list. Instead it read each list as a separate list ("<ol type="1"><li value="1"><span>Elevated blood pressure with a diagnosis of hypertension, rule out white coat syndrome. </span></li></ol><ol type="1"><li value="1"><span>Bilateral ankle lipomas.</span></li></ol>")
Please advise.
Thank you

private static string GetHtmlFromBookmark(string bookmarkName, Document doc, SaveFormat ThisSaveFormat)
    Document docClone = doc.Clone();
    Document doc1 = new Document();
    Bookmark mark = docClone.Range.Bookmarks[bookmarkName];
    Node node = mark.BookmarkStart.ParentNode;
    Node endNode = mark.BookmarkEnd.ParentNode.NextSibling;
    while (!node.Equals(endNode))
        if ((node as CompositeNode).ChildNodes.Contains(mark.BookmarkStart))
            Node child = (node as CompositeNode).FirstChild;
            Node endChild = mark.BookmarkStart.NextSibling;
            while (!child.Equals(endChild))
                child = child.NextSibling;
        if ((node as CompositeNode).ChildNodes.Contains(mark.BookmarkEnd))
            Node child = mark.BookmarkEnd;
            while (!child.Equals(child.ParentNode.LastChild))
                child = child.NextSibling;
        doc1.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(doc1.ImportNode(node, true, ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting));
        node = node.NextSibling;
        if (node == null)
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
    doc1.Save(stream, ThisSaveFormat);
    string html = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.GetBuffer());
    return html;


Thanks for your inquiry.

  1. Please try using the following code to convert document to HTML string:
private string ConvertDocumentToHtml(Document doc)
    string html = string.Empty;
    // Save docuemnt to MemoryStream in Hml format
    using(MemoryStream htmlStream = new MemoryStream())
        doc.Save(htmlStream, SaveFormat.Html);
        // Get Html string
        html = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(htmlStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int) htmlStream.Length);
    return html;
  1. The problem with lists occurs because you import each paragraph between bookmarks into a separate document, during importing List is lost, and each list item in the destination document is item of separate list. As a workaround, you can try remove all except bookmark from the document and then convert it to HTML.
Document doc = new Document(@"Test127\Doc1.doc");
string html = GetHtmlFromBookmark("Body", doc);
private string GetHtmlFromBookmark(string bookmarkName, Document doc)
    // Clone the original document
    Document docClone = doc.Clone();
    // Get bookmark
    Bookmark mark = docClone.Range.Bookmarks[bookmarkName];
    // Remove content before bookmark
    RemoveContentBeforeNode(docClone, mark.BookmarkStart);
    // Remove content after bookmark
    RemoveContentAfterNode(docClone, mark.BookmarkEnd);
    // Convert document to HTML
    string html = ConvertDocumentToHtml(docClone);
    return html;
/// Removes all content before specified node
private void RemoveContentBeforeNode(Document doc, Node endNode)
    Node curNode = endNode.PreviousPreOrder(doc);
    while (curNode != null)
        // Move to next node
        Node nextNode = curNode.PreviousPreOrder(doc);
        // Check whether current contains end node
        if (curNode.IsComposite)
            if (!(curNode as CompositeNode).GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, true).Contains(endNode))
                nextNode = curNode.PreviousSibling;
        curNode = nextNode;
/// Removes all content after specified node
private void RemoveContentAfterNode(Document doc, Node startNode)
    Node curNode = startNode.NextPreOrder(doc);
    while (curNode != null)
        // Move to next node
        Node nextNode = curNode.NextPreOrder(doc);
        // Check whether current contains start node
        if (curNode.IsComposite)
            if (!(curNode as CompositeNode).GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, true).Contains(startNode))
                nextNode = curNode.NextSibling;
        curNode = nextNode;

Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-5430) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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