Blurry barcode types (using C# .NET)

Using Aspose.BarCode version

We have been using BarcodeGenerator.Parameters.Barcode.BarHeight to set our height for the barcodes. Recently we’ve been trying to use AutoSizeMode.Interpolation.
We’ve noticed that our barcodes have become ‘blurry’/are missing pixels, but it now also seems to happen for BarHeight so we’re wondering how this happened (some kind of API change?).

Our previously rendered barcodes looked like this:
afbeelding.png (7.0 KB)

Our newly rendered barcodes look like this:
Schermafbeelding 2024-10-04 163415.png (11.1 KB)

Any idea why the barcodes are rendered blurry?


Thanks for the sample images.

The BarHeight property will be ignored if you set the AutoSizeMode to AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation. Please provide the sample (runnable) code you are using to get the blurry barcode or with missing pixels, so we can investigate it.

When the AutoSizeMode property is set to “Interpolation”, only the values of ImageHeight and ImageWidth are taken into account. This sizing mode prescribes to adjust barcode image size to the specified height and width precisely even though it may lead to the distortion of barcode proportions and accordingly, to the loss of barcode readability for side scanners.

You can use AutoSizeMode.Nearest or AutoSizeMode.Interpolation/AutoSizeMode.Nearest with Resolution 300 dpi.

Bar Height is used only for 1D barcodes with AutoSizeMode.None