Hi, I have been looking into solutions for converting a PDF report generated in my Java application to a Word document (DOCX) and have found Aspose.PDF to be very promising. It seems to be working well but I have just run into a problem with it not converting the bold text across correctly. The DOCX output does not seem to contain any of the bold text in the original PDF.
I understand converting from PDF to docx isn’t usually recommended so I can understand that there will be formatting errors but I was just wondering if this was something that has been addressed before or if anyone could offer any insight/ solutions. Thanks!
Please find attached both my PDF (before) and DOCX (converted) files. Note, I am currently using the evaluation copy while I undergo my testing.
Report_PDF_Before.pdf (25.5 KB)
Report_DOCX_After.docx (34.4 KB)