Bold formatting moved from one text portion to another


We are trying to process the file from the archive attached using Aspose.PSD 22.7.0. After executing the code below, opening the generated file in Photoshop and letting it update the text layer,
the bold formatting moves from “regenerative agriculture” to “approach to industrial”.

var file = @"...";
using (var image = Image.Load(file))
    if (image is PsdImage psdImage)
        foreach (var layer in psdImage.Layers)
            if (layer is TextLayer textLayer)

        var imageOptions = new PsdOptions(psdImage);
        psdImage.Save(file + "-aftersave.psd", imageOptions);
} (120.7 KB)

Thanks for any help,

@arnoldbeilandevozon I created the issue with the ID PSDNET-1240: Bold formatting moved from one text portion to another

We will made the investigation and then write you back.