Border shows around image when converted from MS Word to PDF

I originally posted this message on the Aspose.Pdf forum
>When converting a MS Word document to a PDF using PDF Kit version a >border shows around a watermark image in the PDF which was not in the original MS >Word document. Attached is a project showing the problem.
Here is the response to that post
>Thank you for considering Aspose.
>I have checked this and found that the boder is displayed arround the image in pdf >because the xml specifies that the image has a border. If I edit the xml produced by >Aspose.Words and delete the border, then no border is displayed (pdf is attached). So >the problem is that when producing the xml Aspose.Words incorrectly adds a border to >the image. Please post the query on Aspose.Words forum.
>Adeel Ahmad
>Support Developer
>Aspose Changsha Team

Thank you for reporting the problem to us. I have checked it and logged as issue #1475. We will try to deal with it shortly.

Has this issue been fixed?

Not yet unfortunately. I will try to hasten the process.

We have released Aspose.Words 4.2.2. Please check it out: