Borders are not clear or sharp while conversion


Thanks for the template Excel file and output PDFs.

We also need your font files used in the workbook, could you provide us the fonts used in your file (e.g especially “CorpoS”, “MS ゴシック”, Ms Gothic), so we could evaluate your issue properly, you can zip the font files (*.ttf) and post us via private message. Please click on my name/icon (from previous post) to display the frame, now click on “Message” to send me the post (with brief description), attach the zip file (please zip the font files first), enable “Private topic” option so it will be delivered to me privately and post the message.


Thanks for providing us font files.

I am afraid, Aspose.Cells API only supports TTF font files, so you got to also install “MS Gothic” font using its .ttf file(s) on your server/system. I have evaluated your scenario/case a bit. I found both your output files "cf_local.pdf " and “cf_preprod.pdf” are generated using different versions of Aspose.Cells. Also, the underlying “CorpoS” font was not installed when you generated “cf_local.pdf”. I have installed your provided font “CorpoS” on my machine. I had already installed (using .ttf font file(s)) “Ms Gothic” font file on my machine. Now I generated the PDF file using your template file by our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for Java v17.12.2 (please try it: Aspose.Cells for Java v17.12.2, it works fine and the output file is fine tuned same like the PDF file generated by MS Excel, I can see the highlighted piece of text is not moving up,

I have also attached the output PDF file using v17.12.2:
out1PDF16_CoverSheet1.pdf (79.4 KB)

Let us know if you see any issue after installing all the required fonts and using v17.2.2.