Brdrw120 in rtf /ArgumentOutOfRangeException

few of the rtf documents we get from customers have values brdrw318. this value is for the border width of a table. the maximum I see set in Microsoft word is brdrw120. so aspose word crushes when we try to load–>save–>pdf these rtf documents with this error.

exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: lineWidth
at Aspose.Words.Border.(Double , Boolean )
at .( )
at . ()
at ​ .( )
at ​ . ( )
at . ( )
at .( , )
at . ( )
at . ( )
at . ( )
at ​ .( )
at ​ .( , )
at .( , ​ )
at . ( )
at Aspose.Words.Document.(Stream , String , SaveOptions )
at Aspose.Words.Document.Save(String fileName, SaveOptions saveOptions)

we are using v15.4.0.0 with product version 15.04.30.

will the latest aspose word handle this situation?

Hi Remzy,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please upgrade to the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET 16.7.0 and see how it goes on your end. Hope, this helps.

In case the problem still remains, please zip and attach your input Word document here for testing. We will investigate the issue on our end and provide you more information.

Best regards,

16.7.0 did not solve the issue.
Attached is the zip file containing error and rtf document that creates the error.

Hi Remzy,

After an initial test with Aspose.Words 16.7.0, I was unable to reproduce this issue on my side (see attached pdf). I used the code from following link for testing on my end:
Convert a Document to PDF

Best regards,

Hi Remzy,

I have removed 16.7.0.pdf from my post as per your request via email. In case you have further inquiries or need any help, please let us know.

Best regards,