few of the rtf documents we get from customers have values brdrw318. this value is for the border width of a table. the maximum I see set in Microsoft word is brdrw120. so aspose word crushes when we try to load–>save–>pdf these rtf documents with this error.
exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: lineWidth
at Aspose.Words.Border.(Double , Boolean )
at .( )
at . ()
at .( )
at . ( )
at . ( )
at .( , )
at . ( )
at . ( )
at . ( )
at .( )
at .( , )
at .( , )
at . ( )
at Aspose.Words.Document.(Stream , String , SaveOptions )
at Aspose.Words.Document.Save(String fileName, SaveOptions saveOptions)
we are using v15.4.0.0 with product version 15.04.30.
will the latest aspose word handle this situation?