Bubble chart - When Applying Border color in legend border color is not applied.
This Behaviour is happening in Both Excel and PPT.
LegendBorderColorNotComing.zip (34.2 KB)
Please provide your sample code using Aspose.Cells for Java API and sample Excel file, we will check your issue soon.
PS. your zipped archive contains Pwoerpoint presentation and sample code snippet using Aspose.Slides for Java. Please post your issue regarding Aspose.Slides for Java API in Aspose.Slides forum.
I checked and tested your sample code especially the part:
IChartDataPoint dataPoint1 = series.getDataPoints().get_Item(0);
dataPoint1.getFormat().getLine().getFillFormat().setFillType( FillType.Solid);
IChartDataPoint dataPoint2 = series.getDataPoints().get_Item(1);
dataPoint2.getFormat().getLine().getFillFormat().setFillType( FillType.Solid);
IChartDataPoint dataPoint3 = series.getDataPoints().get_Item(2);
dataPoint3.getFormat().getLine().getFillFormat().setFillType( FillType.Solid);
IChartSeries series2 = chart.getChartData().getSeriesGroups().get_Item(0).get_Item(0);
IChartDataPoint dataPoint4 = series2.getDataPoints().get_Item(0);
dataPoint4.getFormat().getLine().getFillFormat().setFillType( FillType.Solid);
In the above code segment, you are apply different border color to Series1 (first data point(blue), second data point (green) and third data point (red)) and Series2 (first data point(red)) which is working absolutely fine. See the screenshot attached of the output PowerPoint presentation file which I generated by Aspose.Slides for Java 24.11 using your code snippet on my end.
sc_shot1.png (259.0 KB)
Your code is not doing anything to legend entries. Could you please share your expected PowerPoint presentation file having different border colors for legend items/icons of the chart, you may create your desired chart in MS PowerPoint manually. We will then check on how to do it via Aspose.Slides for Java API.
A post was split to a new topic: Bubble chart - When Applying Border color to series, legend border color is not applied