@amjad.sahi ,
ExcelLegendBorderColorNotComing.zip (9.9 KB)
I have uploaded sample code for Excel also here.
@amjad.sahi ,
ExcelLegendBorderColorNotComing.zip (9.9 KB)
I have uploaded sample code for Excel also here.
Thanks for the sample Excel file and sample code segment.
I checked your sample code and output Excel file, it works fine and as expected. Please note, when apply/change border color to series point(s), the legend entries/icons border color are not applied automatically. This is same with MS Excel behavior. You may try your scenario/case in MS Excel manually and you will notice that when you change the border color to series point(s), the legend entries/icons border color are not affected. So, you have to manually change the border color of legend icons by yourselves.