Bug in MailMessage date? Doesn't save date

(Aspose.Email .Net

I load a msg, change the date and save it to a new filename, but the date of the saved msg is todays date when I open it in Outlook.

Here’s my simple test code:

Dim optLoad As New Aspose.Email.MsgLoadOptions
Dim d As New Date(2021, 1, 1)
Using msg As Aspose.Email.MailMessage = Aspose.Email.MailMessage.Load(srcPath, optLoad)
msg.Date = d.ToUniversalTime
msg.Save(dstPath, optSave)
End If
End Using

Is this a bug? … or is there another date property?


Can you please share the MSG file and share which date you want to change in the form of snapshot so that I may help you accordingly in this regard.

tmp5321.tmp.zip (1.7 KB)
screenshot.png (16.6 KB)

I need to set the “sent date”.

This is my Outlook addin test code, where I need to set sent date to january first 2021:

Dim dstPath As String = $"{Path.GetTempFileName}.msg"
Dim optLoad As New Aspose.Email.MsgLoadOptions
Dim d As New Date(2021, 1, 1)
Using msg As New Aspose.Email.MailMessage
	msg.Subject = "Test"
	msg.IsDraft = False
	msg.Sender = "noreply@mail.com"
	msg.HtmlBody = "This is just a test"
	msg.Date = d.ToUniversalTime
	Dim optSave As New Aspose.Email.MsgSaveOptions(Aspose.Email.MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormat)
	msg.Save(dstPath, optSave)
End Using

Dim mail As Outlook.MailItem = CType(Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.OpenSharedItem(dstPath), Outlook.MailItem)
Dim forwardEmail As Outlook.MailItem = mail.Forward
mail = Nothing

… but in the screenshot the sent date is set to todays date.



I am checking this on my end and will get back to you with feedback as soon as possible.


Can you please try using following updated code sample on your end.

Dim dstPath As String = "/Users/mudassirkhan/Downloads/saved.msg"
Dim optLoad = New Aspose.Email.MsgLoadOptions()
Dim d = New DateTime(2021, 1, 1)

Using msg = New Aspose.Email.MailMessage()
    msg.Subject = "Test"
    msg.IsDraft = False
    msg.Sender = "noreply@mail.com"
    msg.HtmlBody = "This is just a test"
    msg.[Date] = d.ToUniversalTime()
    Dim optSave = New Aspose.Email.MsgSaveOptions(Aspose.Email.MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormat)
    optSave.PreserveOriginalDates = True
    msg.Save(dstPath, optSave)
End Using