BUG REPORT: Underline for a Run causes exception in PDF rendering

Create a simple document with a paragraph that contains a run with some simple text inside. If you set the run.Font.Underline = True and then save to .pdf it throws an exception saying that .pdf does not support Underline. Surely .pdf can have underlining of text?

Thanks for your request. I cannot reproduce the problem on my side using the latest version of Aspose.Words. I use the following code for testing:

Document doc = new Document();
// Create paragraph
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc);
Run run = new Run(doc, "Test text");
run.Font.Underline = Underline.Single;

You can download this version from here:
Best regards,

Thanks, you sample code allowed me to fix this issue.

It is perfect, that you already fond the reason of the problem. Please let me know in case of any issues, I will be glad to help you.
Best regards,