BUG: Rgb and Lab modes can not contain less than 3 channels and more than 4 channels'

Saving the psd it throws the following error:

  Exception has occurred: CLR/Aspose.PSD.CoreExceptions.ImageFormats.PsdImageException
An exception of type 'Aspose.PSD.CoreExceptions.ImageFormats.PsdImageException' occurred in Aspose.PSD.dll but was not handled in user code: 'Rgb and Lab modes can not contain less than 3 channels and more than 4 channels'
   at   . (Object  )
   at   . ()
   at   . (Object  , UInt32  )
   at   . (Boolean  )
   at   . (Object[]  , Type[]  , Type[]  , Object[]  )
   at     .LoadPartialArgb32Pixels(Rectangle  , IPartialArgb32PixelLoader  )
   at     . (     , IList`1  ,      )
   at     . (Rectangle  ,      ,    , Int32  , Int32  ,      
   at     .         (Rectangle  , IPartialArgb32PixelLoader  )
   at     . (Int32  , IColorPalette  ,  
     , Int32  )
   at     . (StreamContainer  , Int32  , IColorPalette  ,  
     , Int32  )
   at Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage.SaveData(Stream stream)
   at Aspose.PSD.DataStreamSupporter.Save(Stream stream)
   at Aspose.PSD.DataStreamSupporter.Save(String filePath)
   at Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core.Commands.ReplaceLsak.ReplaceLsakCommand.Run(ReplaceLsakOptions opt) in C:\Ethofy\Kurryer\repos\Kurryer.PsdEditor-1\Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core\Commands\ReplaceLsak\ReplaceLsakCommand.cs:line 72
   at Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core.Commands.ReplaceLsak.ReplaceLsakCommand.Execute(ReplaceLsakOptions opt) in C:\Ethofy\Kurryer\repos\Kurryer.PsdEditor-1\Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core\Commands\ReplaceLsak\ReplaceLsakCommand.cs:line 24
   at Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core.PsdEditorImp.<Execute>b__4_2(ReplaceLsakOptions o) in C:\Ethofy\Kurryer\repos\Kurryer.PsdEditor-1\Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core\PsdEditorImp.cs:line 31
   at Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core.PsdEditorImp.Execute(String[] args) in C:\Ethofy\Kurryer\repos\Kurryer.PsdEditor-1\Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core\PsdEditorImp.cs:line 27
   at Kurryer.PsdEditor.Cmd.RunCommand.StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\Ethofy\Kurryer\repos\Kurryer.PsdEditor-1\Kurryer.PsdEditor.Cmd\RunCommand.cs:line 25
   at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Internal.Host.<StartAsync>d__9.MoveNext()

Code Used:
Example_Error_mustContain3ColorRGB.zip (808 Bytes)

Psd used:
psd-input-mustContain3ColorRGB.zip (276 Bytes)

This is a known bug, is there any workaround?

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PSDNET-1740

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.