Build tables growing horizontally - Not able to achieve

Hello Team,
Good Morning!!! I am trying to populate data horizontally using
<<foreach ... -horz>> .... <</foreach>>
And I am trying to achieve this for a List which has properties in it.
But I am getting an error of foreach is not well formed, could you please help me in sorting this out.


Please check one of the following articles depending on your platform: Working with Table-Column Data Bands in .NET or Working with Table-Column Data Bands in Java. If this does not help, please share a template, data, and code reproducing the issue for further analysis.

@ivan.lyagin Yes even I had a look into this platform: Working with Table-Column Data Bands in .NET .
I tried similar way but getting the same error foreach is not well formed.
I have a class Classroom

public class Classroom
    public List<Student> Students{ get; set; }
public class Student
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Age { get; set; }
    public string Father { get; set; }
    public string Mother { get; set; }

And now I am using

private void UpdateReportData(Document doc, Classroom classRoomData)
    R.ReportingEngine engine = new R.ReportingEngine();
    ReportingEngine.UseReflectionOptimization = false;
    engine.BuildReport(doc, classRoomData, "Classroom");

And In my document I am trying to populate as
Student_Temp.docx (13.0 KB)

And I am using Aspose word Version 22.1.0


I am afraid, working with table columns was added in Aspose.Words 23.6.0 according to Release Notes, so the only way to use the feature is to upgrade.

Yes I can understand Thanks for that