Bulleted list are converted into numbered list

Hi i got a document where i got bulleted list that are transformed into numbered list.

I join a complete application test with the document, if you look at paragraph “3 Introduction”
you will see that the bullets are converted into numbers. (I removed the license from the project).

Thank you.

Thanks for your request. I managed to reproduce this problem on my side. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.
As a workaround of this problem, you can try open/save your DOCX document using MS Word and then convert to PDF using Aspose.Words.
Best regards,


I’m encoutering the same problem and I was about to report the same kind of issue.

Is this problem already fixed ?
And if no, can you give an ETA of this correction ?

Thank you !


Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, the issue is still unresolved and currently I cannot provide you any reliable estimate regarding this issue. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.
Could you please attach your document here for testing? I will check it on my side and provide you more information.
Best regards,

I am also encountering this issue. This is considered a critical issue for my companies’ clients. Could I please get an estimate as to when this issue will be resolved as soon as possible?
Saving the document in Word before converting it with Aspose is not an option for us.
I tested this issue using Aspose 9.1.0.


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you any reliable estimate regarding this issue at the moment. Please expect a reply before next hotfix (within 4-5 weeks). We might just fix the problem or provide you more information.
Best regards,

do you got more information about this issue ?


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot provide you any additional information regarding this issue. I added your request into my monthly report, this will push the issue up in the priority list. We will let you know once the issue is resolved.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 17769) have been fixed in this update.

This issue is still occurring in Aspose.Words 9.5.0. Please see the attached WordML document which will produce this issue when converted and the attached example image which shows the exact cause of the problem in WordML produced by Aspose 9.5.0 after converting the document.

We have been waiting a long time for this correction and I’m disappointed to see that this simple issue is still not corrected.

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for your inquiry. The original issue was reported for DOCX format. You are right; the issue you reported is similar but occurs in WML format. Your request has been linked to eh appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 21313) have been fixed in this update.

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