Bullets rendered as characters in Ubuntu


I have been observing issues that MS PPT files that contains default bullet symbols being rendered as characters instead of the symbols, like q, ü, v, Ø. Initially I took it as a missing font issue, but checked that MS core fonts and WPS fonts(symbol.ttf, wingding.ttf etc.)

Also the weird thing is that if the PPT file containing bullets is opened, edited and exported as MS PPT file by Keynote in Mac, this newly exported PPT file will not have the rendering issue. What could be the difference between the original MS PPT file and the exported PPT file? Does the font change somehow?

I am using Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-1109-aws x86_64)
Both PPT file and previews are attached herebullets.zip (244.7 KB)

The code we use to generated page previews:
public BufferedImage pdPageToBufferedImage(int pageNumber) {
Double height = getPageSize().getHeight();
Double width = getPageSize().getWidth();
ISlide islide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(pageNumber);
Dimension dimension = new Dimension(width.intValue() * PPT_PREVIEW_SCALE, height.intValue() * PPT_PREVIEW_SCALE);
return islide.getThumbnail(dimension);



I suggest you to please try using latest version of Aspose.Slides for Java 20.8 on your end. Secondly, the characters that you are observing instead of bullet chars is due to the fact that fonts used for bullets point is not available in your machine. You need to please ensure that font that is used for bullet font is actually available on your machine.