Bullets to Numbered List

I need to identify bulleted list in the document and then replace the bullets with default Numbered List.

Timothy Delixus

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Aspose.Words for .NET - Documentation

Thanks for your request. Please try using the following code:

Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.doc");
// Reset indents of list items.
NodeCollection paragraphs = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true);
foreach(Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs)
    if (paragraph.IsListItem)
        // If paragraph is an item of bulleted list, we should specify NumberStyle Arabic.
        if (paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberStyle == NumberStyle.Bullet)
            paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberStyle = NumberStyle.Arabic;
            paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberFormat = "\u0000";

Please let me know in case of any issues. I will be glad to help you.
Best regards,


I replaces all the bullets into Numbered Lists.

I want to select a set of bulleted list. Check for some condition ,if condition satisfies replace bullets to numbers else leave bullets as it is.

Also, as soon as i replace first bullet it replaces all the bullets to Numbered list.

Timothy Delixus

Thanks for your request. In this case please try using the following code:

Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.doc");
// Create a list based on one of the Microsoft Word list templates.
List list = doc.Lists.Add(ListTemplate.NumberDefault);
// Reset indents of list items.
NodeCollection paragraphs = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true);
foreach(Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs)
    if (paragraph.IsListItem)
        // If paragraph is an item of bulleted list, we should specify NumberStyle Arabic.
        if (paragraph.ListFormat.ListLevel.NumberStyle == NumberStyle.Bullet)
            if (yourCondition == true)
                paragraph.ListFormat.List = list;

Best regards,