CAD to PDF/A issue with Logo Type not being included


First of all, i will point out that im not able to share any documents or snippets of the documents.
We are looking into the possibility of switching from another conversion software to use Aspose insted, but we have a problem, which might be a deal breaker.

We experince that in some cases when converting from CAD files (DWG) to PDF/A, some logo type text is being included in the output PDF/A file.
Can you in any possible way, give me some knowledge on what the problem might be?
It registres the box which should contain the logo type text, but it’s left empty after converting to PDF/A.


Is this logotype raster image? Or text?

It’s raster image

there are several methods to embed raster image, some of them are complicated to decode or interpret from DWG, some are almost impossible to support at all. This is known problem, but I can not provide more information without the initial file as we can not investigate the issue in more details.

Does the format of the raster image have any influence on when these problems occur? like if the raster image is PNG instead of TIFF?
Does any of the formats give more problems than others?

Also while i’ve got you, can you descripe what the following quality settings has of influence?
And what is default on all of them, if these is not configured?
TextThicknessNormalization = true,
ObjectsPrecision = RasterizationQualityValue(Low, Medium, High),
Arc = RasterizationQualityValue.(Low, Medium, High),
Ole = RasterizationQualityValue.(Low, Medium, High),
Text = RasterizationQualityValue.(Low, Medium, High),
Hatch = RasterizationQualityValue.(Low, Medium, High)

And maybe what problems you see coming with selecting the quality of the setting to low?
I noticed setting “Hatch” to low, gave problems with some areas with lines, these areas ended up greyed out.


I notice when selecting “Text = RasterizationQualityValue.Low”, ofcourse the quality when zooming in is not perfekt, but i also notice that specially curved letters like “S” gets a lot more point/curves.
What i wanna know to this, is it’s still recognized as a letter (Hextex value wise)?
Will it keep it’s font also?


Does the format of the raster image have any influence on when these problems occur? like if the raster image is PNG instead of TIFF?
Does any of the formats give more problems than others?

The image format may matter but may not too. If the images are inserted into drawing as external references the issues are not expected for all widespread formats. If the images are inserted as OLE objects - we have support for BMP/WMF/EMF only. If the images are embedded as bitonal - we don’t have support for this at all (but in progress with the investigation of this feasibility).

Also while i’ve got you, can you descripe what the following quality settings has of influence?
And what is default on all of them, if these is not configured?

These options may decrease size of output and its quality and make export faster. TextThicknessNormalization makes thickness of the text to be minimal. Common ObjectsPrecision sets how many pieces of lines will be used to approximate more complex graphic entities, the same for arcs quality. OLE quality influences the resolution of the embedded OLE images. Text quality value is used to control Bezier lines in text figures, Hatch quality is used to set up the detalization of hatches (some of them contain a lot of tiny elements and are exported slower because corresponding calculations for hatch dashes are required).

The default value for ObjectsPrecision is High, for all other quality options it is Medium.

And maybe what problems you see coming with selecting the quality of the setting to low?

It is difficult to evaluate because it is subjective and may depend on content of the drawing. Some customers may require hatch to be exactly the same like in AutoCAD, for instance, for some other customers quality of hatches may not be so important in favor of performance. The same is applicable for other quality values too.

What i wanna know to this, is it’s still recognized as a letter (Hextex value wise)?
Will it keep it’s font also?

Yes, text and font should be preserved, just lines forming the symbol should be garbled.