Any CadLwPolyline with a coordinate of 0,0 ignores that point as valid coordinate. You can use the following example from another post to view the issue. This will render a triangle rather than a rectangle.
using (CadImage cadImage = (CadImage)new DxfImage(CadAcadVersion.AC1032))
…CadLwPolyline polyline = new CadLwPolyline();
polyline.Coordinates = new List();
polyline.Coordinates.Add(new Cad2DPoint(0d, 0d));
polyline.Coordinates.Add(new Cad2DPoint(0d, 10d));
polyline.Coordinates.Add(new Cad2DPoint(20d, 10d));
polyline.Coordinates.Add(new Cad2DPoint(20d, 0d));
polyline.Flag = CadLwPolylineFlag.Closed;
polyline.ConstantWidth = 0.1;CadHatch hatch = new CadHatch();
hatch.PatternName = “SOLID”;
hatch.ColorId = 1; // index of color: AutoCAD Color Index RGB Equivalents
hatch.HatchPatternType = 1; // 0 = User-defined; 1 = Predefined; 2 = Custom, we support only predefined now
hatch.BoundaryPaths = new List();
CadHatchBoundaryPathContainer container = new CadHatchBoundaryPathContainer();
container.BoundaryPath = new List();CadEdgeBoundaryPath path = new CadEdgeBoundaryPath();
path.Objects = new List();
path.Objects.Add(new CadBoundaryPathLine() { FirstPoint = new Point2D(-5, -5), SecondPoint = new Point2D(-5, 10) });
path.Objects.Add(new CadBoundaryPathLine() { FirstPoint = new Point2D(-5, 10), SecondPoint = new Point2D(20, 10) });
path.Objects.Add(new CadBoundaryPathLine() { FirstPoint = new Point2D(20, 10), SecondPoint = new Point2D(20, -5) });
path.Objects.Add(new CadBoundaryPathLine() { FirstPoint = new Point2D(20, -5), SecondPoint = new Point2D(-5, -5) });container.BoundaryPath.Add(path);
hatch.BoundaryPaths.Add(container);List entities = new List();
cadImage.Entities = entities.ToArray();