Calculating Aray Formulas is aspose cells

Hi I am using an array formula in excel using IFError and Filter function. However when I do workbook.calculateForumula, array formula does not get evaluated. If the same thing I do in excel, the corresponding data is getting populated.

Can you please help me as to how can I evaluate array formula in aspose. A sample array formula I use is

{=IFERROR(FILTER(Mapping!$AT$2:$AU$1048576,Mapping!$AV$2:$AV$1048576=‘NMS - Sec’!B1,""),"")


Could you please try to call Workbook.refreshDynamicArrayFormulas(true, CalculationOptions) before calculating the workbook via calculateFormula if it makes any difference?

For performance consideration, we do not refresh dynamic array formulas automatically before calculating the workbook. If those dynamic array formulas have not been refreshed with the updated data in MS Excel, they should be refreshed firstly before calculating them in your application.

In case, you still find any issue or the array formulas are not calculated at all, please zip and attach the Excel file for evaluation. We will check your issue soon.