When I open the attached file and run the following code, the resulting file does not calculate correctly.
TestTable.xlsx (Source file)
TestTable2.xlsx (sample output file generated with the code below. Note: the cells in row 15+ do not recalculate)
Code (VB.NET) - Note: Actual paths are omitted.
Dim wb = New Aspose.Cells.Workbook(“Testtable.xlsx”)
Dim sh = wb.Worksheets.Item(0)
sh.Cells.GetCell(2, 0).PutValue(10)
'sh.Cells.GetCell(2, 2).PutValue(12)
Formulas do not recalculate. Do not recalculate on F9, Shift-F9, F2 or when UI is used to recalculate. Only way to recalculate is to edit the formula cells and press enter.
ReportTemplates.zip (14.8 KB)