Calendar.GetFinishDateByStartAndWork Method


I'm using the above method to calculate the finish date of a task given a start date and duration. Is this the right method to use? (or is this actually used for ResourceAssignments and work is actually needed as the input).

If not, I could use a simple calendar method (or task method) to take a start date, a duration and calculate a finish date and the reverse with a finish date and duration and calculate a start date. (helpful for forward and backward passes - I think.)

I could also use a method to take a 'datetime' value and move it forward to the start of the next working day or to the end of the previous working day. (this needs to set the correct 'TimeOfDay' depending upon the direction. ... so 09/08/2010 17:00 would be 10/08/2010 08:00 if going forward or the reverse...

I'm sure that you might already be working on these ... if not something like the above would be of help.

(NOTE: if there are better ways ... please do those..)

Regards, Bruce

Hi Bruce,

Yes we are using the method for the same purpose now, but if your task has some splits you have to call the method for each part of working time. You can use the method for Resources and Assignments as well but only in case when the resource is 100% assigned for the task (in this case ‘work’ = ‘working time’).

I have linked this forum thread to our old issue ‘Implement project data recalculate methods.’ with ID = 15459. The issue is under development now.

Thank you a lot for your question. I think the method could be helpful for our internal use and as a part of public interface too.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 19323) have been fixed in this update.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-15459) have been fixed in this update.

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