Calling GetHeight() returns 'Input string was not in a correct format.'

I am converting a antiquated library that used an old version of aspose. Currently I’m running into a strange error that I cannot seem to pinpoint the reason for.

I have an area that iterates through a list of Paragraphs and if they are of type Table we cast them like so:

var table = (Table)Paragraphs[iCntParagraph];

When I try calling table.GetHeight(); I receive the error in the title

Stack Trace:

at System.Number.ParseDouble(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at System.Convert.ToDouble(String value, IFormatProvider provider)
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.#=zZLOubNU4EHiP(String #=z5_8LySZvNrx6)
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.#=zfQy3v30_KtEp(String #=zsjhq5ZWSDGFt, Double #=ztYQbpyTL9wJf, Boolean #=zzG4xm31nurtQOBoawQ==)
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.#=zGkkzZlUiIL1t(Double #=ztYQbpyTL9wJf, Page #=zKjEPxqU=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.#=zoZ9yv3ydCoOz()
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.#=z8Zk5Oco=(Double #=z4LvSVA8ouP0m)
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.#=zMNaknVk=(Double& #=zvJISesE=, Double& #=zPXiC9wc=, Boolean #=zklG1dMuD_GI9, Double #=z4LvSVA8ouP0m, Double #=zhG4_Wh8=, Page #=zKjEPxqU=, Boolean #=zyd0SHKP0YrUq, List`1 #=zZtvVZJo=)
at #=zU4UjTgWouLBWhnToTvz4iIw=.#=zMNaknVk=()
at Aspose.Pdf.Table.GetHeight()


Are you facing this issue with every PDF you are processing? OR with a particular file? Please specify the API version for our reference and share sample PDF file with complete code snippet so that we can test the case in our environment and address it accordingly.