Can Aspose.PDF convert .msg files to .PDF files?

Can Aspose.PDF convert .msg files to .PDF files? Or does only Aspose.Words do this?


You can convert .msg to .pdf file using Aspose.Email and Aspose.Words. Please read the following article for more detial.
Saving an Email as PDF

Ok, so to get rid of watermarks on converted pdf documents, we would need to purchase both Aspose.Email and Aspose.Words?

I wrote a .NET sample app using Aspose.Words and it converted, but it included watermarks on the converted documents.


Yes, you need to purchase Aspose.Words for .NET. and Aspose.Email for .NET.

You can get 30 days temporary license and apply it to avoid the watermark issue.
Get a Temporary License

Please read the following articles about applying license.
Apply license of Aspose.Email
Apply license of Aspose.Words