Can Aspose.Words save to PDF


I have puchased Aspose.Words to do word automation, and it works great :slight_smile:

Once I have created my Word document and saved it… can i also save it as a PDF?


Yes, you can save to PDF with Aspose.Words for .NET. But please note that it requires some bit of extra coding and a licensed version of Aspose.Pdf. The process is described here:


I am very disappointed that you would charge for a full license, when i only require 0.01% of what Aspose.PDF does!

Surely it would be better for your customers if they were able to save off to the other formats?

Is there no other way?


Try to contact Aspose.Purchase team. As you are already an owner of Aspose.component I think you can negotiate a discount.

I agree, that it is not very good that you need a whole other component to do just a simple conversion. We are currently working on building the PDF conversion capabilities into Aspose.Words but that functionality won’t be available for another 2 or 3 months.

Best regards,

I’m in your same trouble.

I’ve also did some tests with aspose.pdf trial version.
Unfortunately I get an exception from my aspse.words saying that I should have an enterprise license to save my word docs in xml format.

I use this workaround: print from word to postscript and then use ghostscript to convert ps to pdf.

there’s non other way.

Aspose are great products, such as the support forum but licensing should be better.



I think i can wait 2-3 months, but will i have to pay for this upgrade? or will i get it automatically?


Yes, we plan to include this functionality into Aspose.Words, so you will receive it automatically during upgrade.

Hey Walimay,

I hope all is well. A colleague of mine shared with me about your post. I would like to address your comments “Unfortunately I get an exception from my aspse.words saying that I should have an enterprise license to save my word docs in xml format” and “Aspose are great products, such as the support forum but licensing should be better”.

Based on your comments I do not believe you are aware that we merged the “Professional Subscription” and “Enterprise Subscription” into one. All customers who had the Professional subscription were automatically upgraded to the Enterprise level. Therefore, if you have renewed your subscription and have a new license you should be able to use the most recent version of Aspose.Words to save to XML with no problems.

Please be sure to let me know if you have any other thoughts or questions regarding that matter and I will be more than glad to help.


Any news on aspose.words being able to save to PDF?


No, we had to delay the release date once more. Q3 is an estimated release date now.

Any news on aspose.words being able to save to PDF?


Thanks for your request. Currently Aspose.Words supported two ways of PDF conversion: direct conversion (without using Aspose.Pdf) and legacy conversion Aspose.Words+Aspose.Pdf. See the following link for more information:

So, you can try using new method to convert your document to PDF. Here is the code:

Document doc = new Document("in.doc");

Best regards.